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I’m an Artist and Producer working across Live Art & Contemporary Theatre in the independent theatre sector. 


I graduated from a BA in Performing Arts at The University of Chichester in 2014.


I’m always up for having chats with artists and organisations for short term / long term projects, consultancy, mentoring or guidance.


I’m most experienced in:

*grant writing (including access support)

*tour booking

*organisational development

*financial management

*implementing access and inclusion structures


Check out my collaborators section to see who I’ve had the pleasure of working with over the past 10 years.


Above all, I am a confident communicator, approachable & empathetic collaborator that wants to be a gate opener for artists, producers & facilitators who want to make accessible, innovative and bold work.


C U R R E N T L Y   W O R K I N G  W I T H :

Blown Fuse Theatre

Axe to Grind Theatre

Dibby Theatre
Katy Dye

Jodie Cole

1 Degree East


"Roxanne is energised, detailed, hardworking and passionate. Roxanne is a true navigator who can lead or collaborate with a team successfully from page to stage. A wealth of skills and a great producer!"
Antony Stuart-Hicks | Senior Producer | Mercury Theatre
"Working with Roxanne has been a lifeline for us! Allowing us to reimagine our working practices and company structure and take the next steps in development as a company. From fundraising and writing applications to strategising and artistic planning, Roxanne's involvement has allowed us to dream big and level up as a company whilst feeling supported both professionally and personally."
Lennie & Ray | Artistic Directors | pink suits
"Roxanne has supported us at a pivotal point in our career and has encouraged us to push boundaries and seek opportunities to develop our company. Roxanne’s support with our overall organisational development has been key in our progress, not to mention the successful grant applications.
Roxanne is a champion of our projects and it has been a pleasure to work with her as she has formed relationships with organisations to create Blown Fuse’s first tour since the pandemic."
Eleanore & Michelle | Artistic Directors | Blown Fuse

Designed by Alissa Anne Jeun Yi for Roxanne Carney 2020.

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